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kaknockFoundation CYgC Project


Adolescence is a time of change and experimentation for young people in all society. As they emerge from the security of childhood and protection basement of parents and guardians, adolescents learn important lessons about adult life, but at the same time are exposed to new risks, including unplanned pregnancy with limited information about Adolescence Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH), poor access to health services.


Youth lack power when reaching Adult stage, which makes them vulnerable to intergenerational sex and less able to advocate for their right to ASRH information and services.


The foundation believes That Adolescence Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH) and behavior change is the fundamental health need.


Therefore we need to employ the best strategy as an ultimate and perpetual solution to plight infected and affected community members in and out of school. It’s our task and ones task too to make fall up from school to home and home to school, this will help nurture the uplifted recovering morals. It can definitely be possible if we come together and fight to recover some life restoring Abstinence issue, Behavior Change and Adolescence Sexual Reproductive Health in youth and children.


We shouldn’t forget that no child or youth did God create with negative things, all the frowns, fear, pain hostility, shame and death in world, some come as a result, of decisions we make in life. We  are positive being by fostering joy, smile, laughter, trust, honest, teamwork, love, peace, and encouragement. Cygc operates on behavior change and adolescence sexual reproductive health.


Hope you would like to be part of KAKNOCK foundation Cygc Project. We definitely appreciate your decision to join the strong and we believe you can make a better change in child life.


Children and youth out there are waiting for you.


 You are free to contact us wherever possible.  


Kakande Enock

Program Director

‘My Choice to be Behavior Change.’